- rtweet: Collecting and analyzing Twitter data, Journal of Open Source Software.
- Analyzing change in network polarization, New Media & Society.
- Automated accounts in partisan user networks on Twitter, New agendas in communication: Conservatively speaking: How right-wing media and messaging (re)made American politics.
- Two tests of social displacement through social media use, Information, Communication and Society.
- Analyzing tweets about the 2016 U.S. presidential 'blunder' election, An unprecedented election: Campaign Coverage, Communication, and Citizens Divided.
- Social dominance, sexism, and the lasting effects on political communication from the 2016 election, An unprecedented election: Campaign Coverage, Communication, and Citizens Divided.
- Methodological Approaches, Routledge Handbook of Political Advertising.
- Trusting News Project Report 2018, Reynolds Journalism Institute.
- Interpersonal Goals and Political Uses of Facebook, Communication Research Reports
- Cross Lagged Panel Models, Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods.
- Cramer's V, Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods.
- Foundational Literature Reviews, Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods.
- Liking Obama and Romney (on Facebook): An experimental evaluationof political engagement and efficacy during the 2012 general election, Computers in Human Behavior.
- How Durable is it? A Contextualized Interpretation of Fiat in Policy Debate, National Journal of Speech and Debate.